Married with Kids: How to Maintain the Relationship with your Spouse when Children are Involved

Let’s get real here – there are only a few things as hard as being a parent. While you might think that going through puberty or dating a widower is the most difficult thing in life, try raising a couple of kids while also working a full-time job and taking care of every chore around the house.

Then, of course, there’s the problem of ensuring that the relationship you have with your spouse doesn’t die out due to neglecting. It’s not like anyone consciously lets their marriage fall to bits while keeping themselves busy with kids and life in general, but it’s still something to be concerned about.

In that name, here’s our take on what you can do to keep your relationship with your spouse alive even when children are involved.

Respect Tradition, Introduce Changes

It’s been proven over and over again that the best approach to solving any …