Hair Loss and Stress in Women – Can Stress Cause Hair Loss in Women?

Could stress sometimes be the reasons you have suddenly done start to lose your hair? This article discusses the possible relationship between hair loss and stress in females and what actions need to be taken to stop hair loss and stimulate its regrowth.
To answer the question above, yes stress can cause hair thinning. However, it is very important to remember that the type of stress that may try this is not the day-to-day stress many people move through. When it comes to hair loss, the kind of stress that produces hair-loss (alopecia) will be the result of unexpected emotional shock or a disastrous physical accident- for example studying the sudden death of a cherished one, divorce, cardiac arrest or perhaps a major surgery, a critical car wreck, etc.
How fast this could happen?
Well, when someone experiences a physiological or perhaps an emotional event, the hair will not set …