A Woman’s Place is in the Home – With Her Home Based Business!
Forget barefoot and pregnant. Forget the traditional ‘mommy’ track. Women are historically survivors. Today’s tough economy is merely another hurdle for women to overcome.
Women are known for their ability to multi-task. Building or supplementing the family income is no different. A woman’s place is in the home with her own home-based business!
Due to the economic times, the number of women entrepreneurs is on the rise. Over 9.1 million businesses in the U.S. are women-owned. Minority women owned businesses account for about a million of these. Home based businesses for women worldwide have been conservatively estimated to account for over $3.6 trillion. That figure is more than the GNP for some countries.
Here’s why:
Most high income businesses requires significant infusions of start up capital. Not so for the home based business. In a quality home based business, YOU and your existing skills (not the least of …